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School Dinners

Our school dinners are provided by Pabulum. They offer our pupils main meals, vegetarian meals, pasta dishes or Jacket potatoes and pupils are able to help themselves to salad from the fresh salad bar every day. The current school dinner menu can be found below.

Currently, our school meals are £2.50 a day. Your child can have meals every day or any day of the week. However, we must receive payment on Mondays in advance on either a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or termly basis. 

The preferred method of payment is online If you wish to pay by cash or cheque, please put your payment into the box in the Reception area, clearly marked with your child’s name and class. Cheques should be made payable to Pabulum.

You may be entitled to free school dinners for your child if you are in receipt of certain benefits. You can apply online at or collect a Kent County Council (KCC) form from the school office and KCC will reply direct to you.

All children in EYFS/KS1 are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal (UIFSM). 

Pabulum can also cater to a variety of dietary needs, please contact the school office for further information.

If you would like more information on Pabulum, please look at their website:

Please note, Sandgate Primary School is a Nut Free School. Please ensure there are no nut products in your child's packed lunch or snack.