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Welcome to Penguins!  Our class teacher is Miss Greenaway and our support staff are: Mrs Edwards.

In Year 2, we have Maths, assembly, Reading and English every morning.   After lunch, we study other subjects including History, Geography, DT, Art, Computing, RE, Spanish and Science.   

Home Learning is set on Wednesdays and due back the following Tuesday.

When getting ready for school each day, we need to remember to bring in our reading record and reading book every day. We should bring in our Home Learning book every Tuesday. On PE days, we need to come into school in our full PE kit and must make sure we are not wearing any jewellery. 

In Year 2 we engage in a wide range of experiences including making our own marvellous medicine, purchasing items in a shop using coins, being a model in a fashion show, making oat and raisin cookies and we even visit a castle!

To see our curriculum in more detail, please look at the Medium Term Plans under Curriculum